About Me and My Blog~^^

I was born in sukabumi, small city call cisaat. Since a child i really want like Einstein:)

Thats why even though i study in STAN i still try go to University of Indonesia to study in Physics Department. Unfortunately,after i graduate i am not immediately work in physics area, at first i work as MT Officer in Wardah, move to Citibank and finally i choose to become employee in BAPETEN. After work in BAPETEN for 3 years, i have a chance to continue study in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

woman, indonesia

I just hope world would be more better with Nuclear Energy….Say no to CO2…Say yes to Nuclear(^_^), Nuclear is Safe:)

This Blog i dedicate for the Energy Development~^^, I hope I can share to the public whole things about energy and its development:), I just a beginner in writing, So please give me advice, suggestion and recommendation…

Welcome to this blog, enjoy and Go Nuclear Go…~^^

41 Responses to About Me and My Blog~^^

  1. Eleuh..eleuh.. 🙂
    Fantastic.. not many women are interested in nuclear science and technology.. and you are an exception. Great..

  2. ai says:

    thanks…what a nice words…hehehhehe

  3. mike says:

    Hi ai…Long time not seeing you, nice you make this blog…Keep your Good work!!!

  4. ai says:

    Yes, how are you?nice to see you again through this blog.

  5. INA says:

    TEH, Kumaha damang?bagus teh blog-na..meni nuklir pisan.

  6. sinta maharani says:

    teteh…kumaha damang?akhirnya aku lihat websitemu!kok jadi ke nuklir?tapi kayaknya seru ya?

  7. d-va says:

    hello ai, gmn kabar.. dulu satu almamater di STAN, kelas AB masih ingat kan, sukses ya

  8. fikar says:

    hi.. i really enjoy the information presented on this blog.. i have an interest in nuclear energy, too though i don’t really specify my study on it.. thanks for sharing..

  9. Dian says:

    hai ai, this is me, dian..migas
    sukses ya paper LNG nya…klo gw mo tanya2 energy management boleh yaa…

  10. tsdipura says:

    hhmm..ketemu juga nih blog nya teh Ai.
    Masih inget sy teh..topan dari batan..kita sempat diklat sama-sama.
    Blognya ok..banyak info kerjaan ya..
    Kalau boleh usul..tulis sebagian pake bahasa indo teh..kecuali emang target readernya orang asing..atau hi-educated.
    Kalau ada waktu kunjungin juga http://www.tsdipura.wordpress.com

    • teteh ai says:

      Wah topam senangnya bs ketemu, walaupun via dunia maya,…..and ma kasih banget buat saran2nya…
      insya Allah aku kunjungi juga site-nya topan…sukses terus yaaaa…..

  11. Aom says:

    Hi Ai,

    How about you Ph.D??

    Wow you are a new Ph.D student.

    Hope you enjoy in your student.

    See you in someday.

  12. indria says:

    neng ai…
    aq mau nanya soal kelas korea donks…
    nanya ke pui dia enggak gtu ngerti

  13. Hi,

    Wah blog yg nuklir bgt
    tukeran link dong?
    sy pasang d blog sy ok


  14. Syarip says:

    Alhamdulillah, geuning aya mojang priangan anu semangat siga neng Ai, ngiring bingah sareng ngadukung pisan! sok lah… didua’keun pisan mugia hasil sadaya cita-cita!!

    • teteh ai says:

      pak syarip, welcome to my blog….
      saya masih beginner pak…hihihihi…tapi semangat mah harus!!demi kemajuan nuclear industry…Ayo kita wujudkan nuclear renaissance di Indonesia…SEMANGAT!!!

  15. yani says:

    teh ai, salam kenal :)hebat euy bisa langsung lanjut PhD.
    walo blogku bukan tentang nuklir, boleh kan tukar link? hehe…
    aku saat ini juga lagi belajar di Korea, tapi sayang belum pernah ketemu teh ai. ketemunya lewat milis doank 😉
    mudah2an kita bisa ketemu darat ya…

  16. pram says:

    makan yukkk…laper nih

  17. guccishoes says:

    Thanks for making such a valuable blog, sincerely Kobos Mathers.

    Gucci Shoes

  18. Park HM says:


  19. Sergey says:

    Hi, Miss Nuclear! 🙂

    I’m a post-graduate student from Russia and well you know i entered your personal page occasionally. I was trying to find some new info and materials for my PhD thesis when i saw your page. The theme you’re researching is really very interesting and sophisticated and it’s quite close to mine. Here in Russia i carry out some experimental and computational investigation of model 19 or 37 rod FA’s (fuel assemblies) reflooding. The key words are quench front, bottom or (and) top reflooding, influence of ZrO2 layer on rod claddings, surface roughness and so on….

    Please excuse me for such looooooong letter! Now it is going to be the main idea. 😉

    I’m very interested with your investigation results and would like you to share them with me. I mean i would like you to send me WORD or PDF copy of your article. That’s my e-mail: bazukss@inbox.ru

    Of course i might share my results with you. Nuclear energy is our general idea so we should support each other i think 🙂

    P.S. In my supervisor’s (prof. Kuzma-Kichta) scientific group there are quite much useful results on nanofluids boiling…

  20. Assalammualaikum teh, kenalin, abdi Setiawan. Kawannya Nugroho “Sorter” waktu SMA… Tadi Oo cerita banyak soal teteh pada saya, termasuk soal pengalaman teteh soal Penerbit Mizal dan Gramed….
    Saya sanngat bahagia bila teteh mau beesahabat dan berteman dengan saya..

    Salam dari Tanah Air ( Cilegon )

  21. wanda says:

    Assalamualaikum wr wb
    Mb Ai, salam kenal, saya wanda
    saya pengen mengikuti jejak Mb di Korea, KAIST khususnya,
    doain ya Mb. 🙂

    mau nanya2 gmn sih disana, enak g? dll 😀
    kalo Mb g sibuk, bs add YM saya : w4n_m4il2

    Wassalamualaikum wr wb

  22. Putra Dewa says:

    Teh Ai salam kenal dari putra,,boleh minta alamat fb teh,,putra di korea daerah busan

  23. LINA HARTATI says:

    slamat pagi teh ai..blok nya sgt mgesankan teh jago n keren teh…
    btw…teteh kan lg di koea teh.. teh minta infonya az teh…klo kerja bgian kesehatan di sana byak lowongan ga teh…krn kiah aq bgian kesehatan….aq BIDAN teh tgal di jkarta..

  24. LINA HARTATI says:

    teteh blz ya teh….

  25. Anonymous says:

    Ai ini wicak , ngeri euy nuklir

  26. muhammad indrik says:

    assalamu’alaikum. mbak bisa bincang2 mengenai tenorm gak? minta kontak emailnya ya. indrik.muhammad2@gmail.com

    terimakasih sebelumnya.

  27. ira says:

    akhirnya bertemu dengan blog nya bu ai…wilujeung patepang deui bu. Abdi Ira sami kawit ti smi oge terasan nyomplong. Sae pisan blog na bu. Ngabantosan pisan.
    Ira – Industri Nuklir Indonesia

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